The 8888 Unlimited Program 

Live From Your Higher Self 


In 2025, Have 

More Guidance. More Confidence. More Peace. More Power. More Freedom.

Guided By Your Higher Self.

Why Unlimited? Why Higher Self? 

Because that's who you truly are, and that's who you yearn to be. That's where peace, love, power, and happiness comes from. That's how you create what you love. Are you ready to see that? Are you ready to live it? 

Whatever your life looks like right now, it's okay. You can still find love, power, and a higher awareness to turn it all around. 

Whatever you are feeling right now about yourself and life, it's okay. You can still feel the unconditional love and support streaming to you, guiding you, uplifting you. You can heal and turn it all around. 

You can cry tears of joy for "no reason", bursting with gratitude for your life. You can spread that to others. You can have certainty and clarity of your ideal future and see yourself move toward it every day. 

That's the real you. If you are not feeling this, knowing this, living this, it's simply because your biological conditioning (trauma, beliefs, childhood experiences) is blocking you from that. It is controlling how you see yourself and what you allow for yourself. It's the only thing that can really stop you. Of course that makes us feel crappy, overwhelmed, and like we'll never be able to change it. This is just your conditioned self. Your small, scared, limited self. You yearn to break free into your Unlimited Self. And you can. 


This means you remember that you are literally the unlimited love and power of Source made into a human. No matter how society has programmed you. No matter what your mind says. You are Divine and you are Light. 

You have everything you need within you already to radically change your circumstances. 

You chose to be here. You are creating your experience. You are affecting the planet. You are that perfect and that powerful. Your value is unquestionable. Your worth is priceless. You can handle anything that comes. You are alive and here on this planet for a reason. Do you believe that fully? Do you act like that? Do you want to see what that will create for you? 

Being in your Unlimited Self even a little bit, it feels amazing. The ideas pour in. The energy ramps up. The synchronicities appear everywhere. The action happens almost by itself. Your Will shows you the way. You start shining. Life becomes a wonder. 

Your Higher Self is giving you guidance right now on how to do this. Your Higher Self knows exactly how to help your human self step into this experience and live and create that way. Your Higher Self knows (You know) how to create Peace and Freedom for you, from exactly where you are in your life, right now. That is what we will discover when we work together.

We just need to hear the guidance and act on it. 

To support you in this, in this program you get UNLIMITED Higher Self Decision Sessions with me. Unlimited. Crazy, I know. And Awesome.  (Details below.)

Why 8888?

In this program you get: 

8 Months of Intense, Direct Higher Self Support just for you

8 Higher Self Skills You Will Learn and Master

8 Conditioning Releasing Sessions, 1:1 with David 

8 Visioning and Action Sessions, 1:1 with David


I was guided to use this number. There is extra energetic potency for all involved. 

What Will Change For You?

  • You will activate your Heart to open your channel to Source and receive your Higher Guidance for anything in your life. You will get direct messages just for you. 
  • Act on that guidance every day to create your new reality and know you are on the right path. 
  • Let go of limiting beliefs in your system keeping you reigned in, restricted, and unhappy.
  • Love yourself. Finally own your worth and value. And act like it.
  • Permanently rewire your mind for more peace. 
  • Handle and heal any emotion.
  • No matter what situation you are in, realize where your power is, and how to use it to change the situation.
  • Face any decision with confidence, and always know your best move. 
  • Handle any conversation - live your relationships in freeing truth with your Presence and communication. 
  • See the vision of your Ideal Future Self and make it come to life. 

FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. These skills are forever. 

Plus 3 Additional Months of Integration Support, Free 

Plus Lifetime Access To All Online Material  

Plus 5 additional Bonuses (see below)

This program is ridiculous. I can't wait for you to join. 

No matter what your life looks like, no matter what is happening in the world outside, you can become the most peaceful, free, and powerful version of You. 

You can feel love and be loved. You can create your ideal future. You can shift any area of your life. For The Highest Good of All. Your Higher Self knows exactly how to take you there. Let's get the guidance you need. Let's let go of the past, embrace what is, and create what will be. Let's make life an adventure and feel fully alive!   

Are you ready? I'm so excited for you. 

I'm accepting enrollment for Higher Self Adventurers until 25 January 2025.

If you want more details, read on! 

Or grab 20 mins with David to discuss.

What We Really Mean By Unlimited And How You Can Live That Way

Have You Heard Yourself Saying...

"Life feels like a slog, like an uphill battle, happiness never lasts." 

"There are too many challenges. It's too hard." 

"There's not enough money. There's not enough time." 

"I don't love myself. And I don't know how." 

"I'm not okay. This world is not okay." 

"Can't I just feel good? Can't things just work out? Can't it just be easy?" 

"I know I'm holding myself back. But I don't know what to do about it." 

"I can't find my place or purpose in the world. No one understands me anyway." 

"I have lots of anxiety. I'm totally overwhelmed." 

"I'll just push through now, work harder now, and be happy later." 

"Life feels heavy. I'm exhausted." 

"I can't do it." 

"The great life, huge success, that's for other people, not me." 

"I've tried so many things. I'm still not where I want to be. I'm tired of it now working!"  

It's Okay. You're Not Alone.

Those are just beliefs that you learned along the way. We all have them. 

They might seem true, but they are not. You will see that. They don't have to limit you ever again. 

You will find something so beautiful on the other side of your beliefs. Something that was waiting for you the entire time. It is there waiting for you right now. 

Accessing The Guidance of My Higher Self Helped Me...

  • Have a 6-figure year in my business
  • Find my Soulmate and start a family
  • Travel to every continent but Antarctica
  • Heal my masculinity to become a more loving, powerful man
  • Perform Improv on stage 6 years running
  • Get cast in a TV show
  • Heal deep anxiety and fear
  • See myself and the world with Unconditional Love
  • Make decisions in my highest good every time
  • Get message from my Guides, Higher Self, and Source

This Work Has Helped My Clients To: 

  • Hit 7 figures in their business
  • Start a coaching business from scratch and get fully booked in 5 months
  • End months of panic attacks in 3 weeks
  • Launch the dream business they always had in their heart but could never launch before
  • Activate their ability to channel Higher Wisdom for themselves and others (this is priceless)
  • Finally love themselves and be at Peace with who they are
  • Handle any emotion or circumstance that comes their way with intelligence and grace
  • Improve their relationships 10x
  • Laugh out loud at the inside joke of the Universe (I can't wait to share this special laughter with you.) 

What Clients Say:

“When I started working with David, I received a full vision for myself. I wanted to be someone who shines her light on things I know that need to be seen, and have the courage to say what isn’t easy to be heard. I wanted to be open to discovering how my new venture could work and get it out there. I wanted to be more grateful and excited about what is happening. I wanted to be a more heart-centered person for myself and others, and take steps forward in being who I am meant to be. After working with David all of this happened! As an incredible bonus, the emotional work helped me lose my hang ups with public speaking. I used to crap myself for public speaking, over-prepare, not feel natural at all, and hate it. Now I do no prep, being totally me, and it’s totally fun. I honestly didn’t think it was possible. Who is this new person?” 

- Beth D., Entrepreneur and Writer, UK

"David is an exceptional coach. He's talented, insightful, and the perfect blend of open and directive. He's been tremendous in helping me see that what I do is different and unique, which was a key aspect of me building my business into the 7-figures of revenue that it is today." 

-Brandon S., Founder and President, USA

“There has been so much change in my career in the past 3 years, David has provided a safe harbor to discuss everything going on, which has been unbelievably helpful. He has helped me put a real focus on the emotional work, ending old patterns, using tools to help create better patterns, and finding my locus of control in situations which makes it much easier to implement these tools. With David I get positivity and perspective that helps me snap out of tunnel vision, or a fixated point, into a more useful perspective. In 3 years of working with him I’ve been hired into much bigger roles in my career 3 times.”

- Gregg M., Tech VP, USA

“I eat coaches for breakfast. David was the only coach I’ve ever stuck with. He actually helped me see my fear, feel my fear, and release my fear, that was actually paralyzing me. I finally got through it and launched the business I was dreaming about. On the way, I reconnected with my Divine Feminine energy and hidden skills, let go of old working patterns that were not serving me, and created new rituals that keep me in flow. Highly recommend David.”

- Nikki F., Entrepreneur, UK

“I was juggling a mountain of work running a busy marketing agency, when I sat with David to do some deep emotional sessions. I was very surprised at the dramatic releases I had within a very short space of time. There was so much I was holding that I had no awareness of, especially around grief and abandonment. This no doubt played a role in a further unravelling that subsequently unfolded. And alongside other forms of self healing and self inquiry, became the catalyst for a major spiritual awakening that has since shifted my life, my career and my well being completely." 

- Liane G., Entrepreneur and Energy Healer, UK

“After working with David I was able to make decisions about my work that I was never able to make before. Fear was stopping my decisions in the past, and now I am in a place where I know I will be okay, can move into a happier space, and follow what I really want. I came up with a new venture I am super excited about, and I’m actually able to follow it because of the glimpses I got in our work together of what my life could be like. Who knew that emotional work could feel so good? The versions of me that I got to meet in working with David will stay with me forever. They show up in my meditation. They connect me with the unity of the cosmos. Knowing that these parts of me is a comfort and the extra little bit of strength that I need. These weren’t the goals that I started with, but who cares. I’m even happier where we ended up. I loved working with David.” 

-Claudia F., Real Estate Entrepreneur, France

“How amazing, David is so present and holds such a loving space, that I realized this is what all of us are really looking for. And in this space we feel safe enough that if something is bothering us it comes to the surface and we can see it more clearly and deal with it.” 

- Gina C., Grief Coach, USA

"I got fired. It was scary. David's work helped me see that working for myself was possible. Then even though I had moments of fear about money, David helped me calm the mind, find the energy in my body which led to me getting my first high ticket client. When I wanted to grow my business to the next level I did one deep session with David, and the next week I had my first ever 5-figure sales week! Then I went through a series of personal challenges and struggled to find new clients after that, but David helped me reframe my strategy around what I love and just a few days later I sold $6000 worth of new coaching. This guy." 

- Arnaud M., Entrepreneur and Coach, Czech Rep. 

"I had an in-person business and the lock-downs destroyed it. I decided to put my business online and I was struggling for a long time. Then I committed to working with David and after a few sessions I had my biggest sales month in over 2 years. After a couple more sessions I finally acted on my love of working with animals and within a few weeks I had 15 clients and it keeps growing. Now my business is even more of what I love, and I recently hit a new highest revenue number for my online work." 

- Katerina B., Energy Healer and Animal Communicator, Czech Rep.

“You have no idea how helpful this session was for me this morning. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you for this incredible gift! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. I later had lunch with my husband and I could see how I was sitting there with a different mind, how every time when he said something that could trigger me, I actually had to smile. Before I was feeling stuck in my personal development journey. Despite fully understanding my trauma on an intellectual level, I was still trapped in old patterns and freeze mode, unable to come up with alternative responses. Just a few sessions with you working on a somatic level were absolutely groundbreaking. It has unblocked so much in my mind that I feel I finally have brain space to be deliberate about everything I do.” 

- Andrea S., Entrepreneur and Consultant, Belgium

"Hi David, I just wanted to say a big thank you for our session today, that was amazing. It really feels like I unlocked a key memory I’d never truly tapped into. I’m amazed by the depth of the work so instantly, the depth of emotion I allowed myself to feel, and how the Havening really does calm the nervous system, it’s incredible. I’m so grateful to have this work come into my life and to be able to journey in the body in this way. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. I’m really looking forward to our next session." 

- Tina W., Woman's Empowerment Entrepreneur, UK

"Your in-person sessions have been f***ing incredible! Thank you for them. One of your sessions opened my throat and I was able to speak differently at work, and another session opened me up to a new opportunity that brought me to LA!"

- Eric C., Spiritual Author, USA

"David saved my life. These last few weeks have been some of the most emotionally turbulent and downright STRANGE that I've ever experienced. All kinds of fears came to the surface, deep sadness, loss, confusion and anger. It would have been 100x times harder if it wasn't for the loving kindness, genius, and generosity of this dude! He taught me what to do to move through emotions and get to Peace."  

- Chris H., Coach and Entrepreneur, UK

"I was worried to spend money on coaching, but after doing the work with David I feel this was the best money I ever spent. He taught me tools that I can use on my own, supporting me through identifying the roots of negative emotions, and I had a breakthrough when he helped me shift emotions that I previously thought impossible, i.e. anger, fear, self-doubt. I have shifted my energy around money, and as a result, I just started my own business. Some people have guides and mentors as they grow up, for those not as fortunate, you can work with someone like David who will help you discover how very powerful you are to shape your reality and enjoy a higher level of wellbeing."

- Ivaylo G. - Entrepreneur and Ceremony Facilitator, Columbia

My Intention Is That You Will Start Saying Things Like:

  • "The other day I had tears of Love for no reason." 
  • "I'm putting myself out there in a way I never have before."
  • "I feel so supported by the Universe." 
  • "I feel more alive than I ever have." 
  • "Finally I am trusting myself. It feels so good." 
  • "I'm buzzing with what's possible."
  • "I'm seeing more and more synchronicities every day." 
  • "I got a huge win yesterday out of "nowhere!"" 
  • "I know I'm exactly where I need to be." 
  • "I can use every situation as a positive for me." 
  • "I know exactly what to do when I am anxious or uncertain." 
  • "I've never felt so much love in my relationship." 
  • "I've never felt so much conviction in my work." 
  • "I've never been so open to abundance. It feels so easy." 
  • "Yesterday, my Higher Self and Guides told me..." 
  • "I can feel how I am creating my reality, and how to change it!" 
  • "I actually feel in my heart that everything is happening for me."
  • "This work has changed my life. It's priceless." 

“The solution is simple. Your main concern needs to be Peace. Then there will be a great improvement in health and finances.

Rather than trying to find peace by improving your health and finances. The primary aim is Peace.

The strange thing about Peace is you can’t find it in the future.”

- Eckhart Tolle
Your Higher Self Knows Exactly How to Take You To Peace, Freedom, and Abundance.  

Starting From Where You Are. Now.

You deserve it. 

Are You Ready? 
"Your soul has infinite wisdom and knowledge to share with you in this very moment that could instantly create greater peace, joy, abundance, well-being, and love in your life...

Your soul knows how you are, where you are, and the most effortless path to endless experiences of true creation and grand manifestation....

When you can truly allow that, you will live in this ever-present flow of divine love, a divine state of being, and everything in your life will absolutely go to another level of peace, joy, love, harmony, abundance, well-being, freedom. Everything!" 

- Sara Landon, Author and Channeler
That's what we're going for. That's how I want to live. How about you? 

Or schedule 20 mins with David to discuss. 

You Also Get These 

5 Additional Bonuses 

Let's Recap

The 8888 Unlimited Program 

Live From Your Higher Self 

Your Path of Peace, Power, and Freedom, Guided By Your Higher Self 

8 Powerful, Life-long Higher Self Skills (That all work together, that have changed my life and my clients lives the most.)

16, 90 minute, 1:1 Sessions to let go of your past and create your future, now. (Personal, focused sessions are the fastest way to transform and get the accountability we need to really stick to creating what we truly want.)  

8 Months of 1:1 support, plus 3 bonus months of integration. (Imagine what you could create with a year of focus and help catered to you.)

Unlimited Decision Sessions (I kind of can't believe I'm doing this. I'm excited to see how you use it and what we discover for you.)

5 Awesome Online Bonuses (Tools for Purpose, Manifesting Principles, Guided Meditations, Intention Circle, 8888 Group Sessions.)

Should I Be Charging $40,000 For This?

I've spent 20 years and over $40000 learning these 8 skills. With 1:1 teachers, events, retreats, courses, books, and relentless practice. For some years I spent multiple hours every morning devoted to transforming my conditioning and connecting with my Higher Self. This helped me get to mastery and learn how to help others get there as well, but it was actually a slow way. 

I want you to get there so much quicker and easier than I did. I want you to surpass what I have experienced, which is what I've designed this program to do. And I want it very clear that the value you will gain from this will be so much more than the money you put in. 

So $40000? Nope. 

What price then? Clients have previously invested $24000 to work with me 1:1 for a year. 

$24000? Nope. 

$16000? For the 8 months? Nope.

$10000? Surely, with unlimited 1 to 1 sessions for 8 months, $10000? Nope. 

Your financial investment for all this is only $8888. 

You get 20 of my years in 8 months. You get all I've learned. You get the 1 to 1 support that I could have used to make this faster and easier. 

You get 8 months of transformative skills, unlimited sessions, 4 months of extra integration, 5 bonuses. 

What would you do with all this? How much could you shift? How far could you go? What could you create? This could be the year the life you love becomes your reality. 

My intention is that you finish the program thinking you would have happily paid double. I was guided to 8888. There is something beautiful working for you in the background with 8888. 

Quick story - I once paid $8000 for an 8-week coaching program. 8 weeks. That program changed my life. I actually include what I learned in that program in Skill #3 of this program. Plus we have 7 other skills in here and 32 weeks! For almost the same investment. 

I might be crazy. But I am following my guidance. I want to see Humanity Rise. I want to see us all know our peace, freedom, power, abundance, and love, and create a world that reflects that for all of us. One person at a time. Maybe that person is you. Your investment in this is a stand for what you believe and who you know you can become. Your Higher Self knows how to take you there. 

Are you ready to become it?

If you still have questions, there are FAQs below. 

Or schedule 20 mins with David to discuss. 

My Promise To You

I promise to you give you my absolute best so that you embody your absolute best. 

I promise you will learn to completely shift and heal your emotions, traumas, and limiting beliefs. 

I promise you will get guidance directly from your Higher Self. 

I promise I will see you as your Unlimited Self and hold you accountable to that. This alone will pull you into new speaking, deciding, and acting so you create something new. 

I promise you will be a new person at the end of 8 months capable of more than you ever were before, for the rest of your life.  

I promise that within the 8 months you will create a completely new way of living that gives you more power, peace, and freedom. 

What would you love to create in the next 8 months? I promise that your Higher Self can help you with that. Let's create it! 

Love, David

Enrollment Closes In

0 d:0 h:0 m:0 s
Enroll Here in 8888 Unlimited 
Living From Your Higher Self

Two Enrollment Options: 

  • One-time payment (best value) -  $8888 (save $1104 total)
  • 8 Monthly payments (cheaper up front) - 8 x $1249 (total of $9992)

If you would like to discuss alternative payment options, let's talk

  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Choose an investment option:

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($8888.00)$8888.00
  • Preferred option
    Subscription ($1249.00/mnth)8x $1249.00
  • Total payment
  • The 8888 Unlimited Program - Live From Your Higher Self$0

All prices in USD


More questions answered. 

  • There's a lot I could invest in for my growth. Why this program?
    The Speed: If you yearn in your heart to connect with your peace, expansion, guidance, loving relationships, freedom, and create a future you love, this program will save you several years. I've studied these skills for over 20 years. In this program, I've included only what has changed my life the most. Only what has helped my clients change the fastest. In one year, you will get 20 of mine.

    The Value: Clients have invested $24000 to work with me 1:1 for a year, $16000 for 8 months, and they never got this useful of a structure and they never got unlimited decision sessions. I've personally spent over $40000 in 1:1 teachings courses, retreats, tools, techniques, certifications, and study with some of the best teachers in the world. All that is in here. If you are a serious spiritual explorer and expander, this program will save you thousands of dollars over time.

    Your Heart: Choose 8888 only if it calls to you. Only if your heart yearns for contact with Source and Your Higher Self and to feel your Unlimited nature. Only if you yearn to be guided on a path and to live from that, for peace and freedom. Listen to your heart's excitement. What feels right in your heart? That's your Higher Self already talking to you. If this is not a match for you, no problem. If your heart wants it, then enrolling will quickly move you more into alignment with all that you are meant to become. As you soon as you enroll the energy is already working on you. Get excited!
  • How fast will I see 'results'?
    You'll see results after your first exercises and our first session. You'll start to see and feel things differently and start to learn how to speak and act differently so that you create different results in your life. On this page, you can read what some of my clients have said after just one session. Where you ultimately take this work is entirely up to you. In the full 8 months, plus the 4 bonus months, you can become an entirely different person living an entirely different life. You can always sign up for the month-to-month plan, and if you aren't noticing beautiful shifts in your life, you can stop the program.
  • It's 8 months, plus another 3 bonus months? How does that work?
    The first 8 months is the main program. It includes the 8 skills and all your scheduled, 90 minute 1:1 sessions with me. Inside the 8 months is also when you can schedule your unlimited Decision Sessions. After that, you still get 3 months more to attend the group sessions and the Intention Circle to integrate fully through action in your life, all that you learned. This integration time is essential and missing from many programs that I have done. I wanted to change that. You also can access the recorded online materials for life.
  • It's Unlimited 20-minute Decision Sessions? How is that possible?
    It sounds crazy, I know, but I'm excited about it because it gives us the chance to create incredible momentum for you and help you with whatever pops up in your life for 8 months. That's a mega-level of support, and it will be doable because there are just 2 requirements for setting these sessions. 1) They need to be during my working hours (you will use an online calendar to schedule them). 2) At the end of each session, I will give you actions to do and complete on your own, and you need to complete those actions before you schedule your next session. That will create change in your life. If you do that, you can schedule as many as you want and create incredible momentum.
  • What if I don't like this program? Is there a refund? What happens?
    In 10 years of coaching emotional and spiritual expansion, with hundreds of people, I have never once been asked for a refund. I feel confident you will like it so much, that this won't even be a question. But here's the thing, offering a refund doesn't actually serve you. Because this program will challenge you and make you uncomfortable. Your old patterns might resist, try to convince you it's not working, and try to get you to quit. If you stick with it, you will see that this was just your resistance, and you were able to break through. If you have an easy out to just quit and get refunded as soon as you are uncomfortable, that does not serve your highest outcomes. That will keep you locked in your old self, which is the exact opposite of what we are trying to do. No refund means you will instead lock yourself into getting the absolute most out of this and Living From Your Unlimited Self. So I am NOT offering a refund.

    If, however, you absolutely need to stop for some reason, we have options. We can put your program on pause. If you absolutely can't continue at a later time, we will take the value of your investment and give you other types of sessions and programs of your choice that match that value. We'll make it work.

    If you are really worried about it, I recommend you choose the monthly payment option. In that case, if you really want or need to stop permanently, you can just stop the program where you are and cancel the rest of your payments. You still will have access to all the online materials for life. You're welcome.
  • If I enroll, how does it start? And when does it start?
    Great questions. This program starts in January 2025 and goes for the rest of the year. A whole year of support! As soon you as you enroll get access to the online materials area, which will start sending you the skills content after 25 January 2025. You will also get a link to set up your onboarding call with me. In that call we will discuss why you really signed up, what phenomenal success in this program would look like for you, and how we can create that for you. Then the program has officially begun! We will also schedule our first 1:1 session for February and pick a cadence that works for you. I can't wait!